Cool Off with The Hignell Companies Heating and Air Home Maintenance Service
The Hignell Companies offers fast and efficient service for home heating and air conditioning. Their heating and air technicians provide expert knowledge and ensure the scope of the project is clearly understood from beginning to end. In addition to HVAC, The Hignell Companies can take care of other home maintenance services including electrical, plumbing, cleaning and painting.
Looking for Home Maintenance Services? The Hignell Companies Can Help
The Hignell Companies offers in home experts for home maintenance services and remodeling projects. The Hignell Companies is also a full service property management company that has licensed contractors to handle plumbing, tiling, flooring, painting, electrical, heating and air conditioning and general home maintenance services.
Southside Oroville Community Center Has New Property Management Company: By Taking Over, The Hignell Companies Hopes to Set Precedent
The Hignell Companies located in Northern California has taken over control managing the Southside Oroville Community Center, previously managed by Butte County. A public facility being taken over by a private business is a move that is foreseen to be a win-win for both parties involved by saving the county money and providing revenue for the property management company.
Personal Dreams Are Harder to Keep These Days but One Best-Selling Leadership Author and Expert is Making Them a Reality
Everything rises and falls on leadership and in tough times it is an opportunity for leaders to rise and new leaders to emerge. John C. Maxwell, founder of The John Maxwell Team, shares more on this on an upcoming live global conference call, as well as how in the past year he has made one of his biggest dreams come true by supporting the leadership dreams of thousands of others.
What Did Edison Get Wrong About Innovation? Creative Mastermind Stephen Shapiro Answers
As a culture, we embrace the try-until-you-make-it mentality. But innovation genius Stephen Shapiro points out that there are better mindsets to embrace. He dives into these mindset breakthroughs in his latest book, “Best Practices Are Stupid”.
“Best Practices Are Stupid” Author Stephen Shapiro Sheds Light on the “Goldilocks Principle”
Innovative ideas can all too easily be classified as either too abstract or too specific. But innovator extraordinaire Stephen Shapiro shows how to begin the quest for “just right” in his latest book, “Best Practices Are Stupid”.