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Webinar Paydays: New Book “The Webinar Way” Describes 7 Pillars of Webinar Success to Maximize Sales

Webinar Paydays: New Book “The Webinar Way” Describes 7 Pillars of Webinar Success to Maximize Sales

Webinars are a powerful tool for visual storytelling and training. But what’s the best way to generate sales using webinars? The new book, “The Webinar Way” guides presenters through the process of engaging audiences and seamlessly driving the selling process using webinars.

Art & Entertainment - BooksBusinessBusiness - e-CommerceBusiness - EntrepreneursBusiness - Public RelationsCoaching / MentoringComputerComputer - AppleComputer - Microsoft Windows PCComputer - SoftwareConsumerEducationSelf-Help / Personal GrowthSmall BusinessTechnologyTechnology - ComputerTechnology - Enterprise SoftwareTechnology - Software

Writers SuperCenter Wires Writers Right with ThoughtOffice Creative Writing Software

Writers SuperCenter Wires Writers Right with ThoughtOffice Creative Writing Software

Online megastore Writers SuperCenter, the one-stop resource for creative writers, forms strategic partnership with ThoughtOffice Creative & Comedy Writing Software. Selected ThoughtOffice titles will now be offered in bundles or a la carte at Writers SuperCenter’s web site.

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Women’s Resource Center Bradenton Florida Hosts Blues Legend Dave “Biscuit” Miller at “Bringing on the Blues” Fundraiser

Women’s Resource Center Bradenton Florida Hosts Blues Legend Dave “Biscuit” Miller at “Bringing on the Blues” Fundraiser

“Bringing on the Blues”, the Women’s Resource Center of Manatee 2012 fundraiser, will be held on Friday, November 30th, 2012 at 7:00 pm – kicking off the 1st Annual Bradenton Blues Festival.

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Top Italian Restaurants in Chicago Featured on

Top Italian Restaurants in Chicago Featured on

Italian cuisine has developed through centuries of taste buds. Italian cooking usually focuses on four to eight ingredients that, when prepared correctly, often makes lifelong fans of this culinary delight. In Chicagoland there is no shortage of great Italian restaurants. Now there is a great website that features one top Chicago Italian Restaurant every month.

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New Chicago Vegan Restaurant Healthy Diet Menu Featured on

New Chicago Vegan Restaurant Healthy Diet Menu Featured on

Over the last few years healthy dining has become a very hot trend. Vegan Restaurants have stepped up to service this growing niche. When visiting the “Windy City,” there are a number of Vegan Restaurants worth checking out.

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Top Chinese Restaurants in San Francisco Honored on

Top Chinese Restaurants in San Francisco Honored on

Chinese food is one of the most popular types of “ethnic” food in America. For those who may be visiting “The City by the Bay”, it’s now easy to prepare online for some of the top Chinese food in the world, in San Francisco’s Chinatown.

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