Personal Dreams Are Harder to Keep These Days but One Best-Selling Leadership Author and Expert is Making Them a Reality
Everything rises and falls on leadership and in tough times it is an opportunity for leaders to rise and new leaders to emerge. John C. Maxwell, founder of The John Maxwell Team, shares more on this on an upcoming live global conference call, as well as how in the past year he has made one of his biggest dreams come true by supporting the leadership dreams of thousands of others.
Publicity PR System Launches to Help Small Business with Online Marketing Promotion
The press release publicity experts at SuperSimplePR have created a super simple system which teaches people to write perfect press releases quickly. The newly released PR training is available now on the company’s web site.
Tucson’s Brilliance Project Event Teaches Kids How To Eat Healthy At Richardson Elementary School
Healthy kids make better choices, ultimately improving society. But who’s actually making this happen? Tucson’s Richardson Elementary and The Brilliance Project are, with an interactive experience celebrating health and wellness through music.
Syed Bukhari Commitment to the Education of our Poorest Children
Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) or the “Centre of Education and Consciousness†Public Trust was established in 2002, as a lot underprivileged children in Pakistan do not have access to basic education.
Self-Help at a Helpful Price at The BIG Weekend, September 18-20, 2009
The BIG Weekend is a seminar about people being their best. Life University offers every individual a unique experience. Participants will learn how to turn possibilities into reality at The BIG Weekend.
Life University Selects First Charity: Cross-Cultural Thresholds
Life University, creators of The BIG Weekend, have selected Cross-Cultural Thresholds as a charity of choice. The creators of The BIG Weekend are big believers in giving back.