Innovation Expert Stephen Shapiro – Not All Brains Are Smart
To see how to build an efficient and effective organizational system, examine the most complex system in the body – the human brain. Neuroscience now provides us with more information about the brain than ever before. By better understanding how intelligent brains operate, we can learn how to create more intelligent organizations.
Leaner Isn’t Necessarily Better – Innovation Expert Stephen Shapiro
In their quest to hit quarterly earnings goals, companies often focus myopically on the short-term, drastically cutting headcount and overhead to stay afloat. Unfortunately, this can leave an organization malnourished, jeopardizing its long-term health. Companies should focus instead on the type of “fat” they are cutting.
Expertise is the Enemy of Innovation – Innovation Leader Stephen Shapiro
Companies struggling to innovate may be suffering from an inadequate range of knowledge and perspectives. Just like individuals, companies have personalities. Unfortunately, a company’s personality might be repelling the potential and existing employee-base that can lend a divergent, and often critical, point of view to business. This is killing innovation.
Competitive Edge for Coaches and Consultants – ThoughtOffice Software Offers Instant Access to Expert-Level Solutions
ThoughtOffice software solution for Coaches, Consultants and Entrepreneurs asks thousands of deeply probing Expert Questions, then provides creative answer support in the form of a unique 9,471,215 word and phrase association engine coupled to a 1,000,000+ image search engine, quickly creating millions of usable results. Software solution helps solve big challenges quickly, thoroughly and affordably…
Competitive Edge for Coaches and Consultants – ThoughtOffice Software Offers Instant Access to Expert-Level Solutions
ThoughtOffice software solution for Coaches, Consultants and Entrepreneurs asks thousands of deeply probing Expert Questions, then provides creative answer support in the form of a unique 9,471,215 word and phrase association engine coupled to a 1,000,000+ image search engine, quickly creating millions of usable results. Software solution helps solve big challenges quickly, thoroughly and affordably…