Librarians Promote Audio Books in National Reading Programs
What do swashbuckling pirates, fast talking detectives and dangerous dames have in common? They are all larger than life characters that are being used by Librarians around the world to engage students in audio book reading programs from publisher Galaxy Press in Hollywood California.
Hollywood Publisher Releases Zombie Audio Book, Dead Men Kill
Hollywood publisher Galaxy Press announces the release of the multicast audio book mystery tale “Dead Men Kill”.
Outlier Solutions, Inc. Selected As Interactive Agency For Makers Of Popular Gene Construction Kit
Outlier Solutions, a full service Portland ad agency with experience in the Life Sciences arena, recently partnered with Textco BioSoftware, makers of popular molecular biology software solutions, to build their new web site and handle their web marketing strategy.
Benefit your Business with WebKruz's Adstyle
How businesses can benefit from WebKruz ad adstyle is a question that is exciting the online world with its possible answers. The WebKruz adstyle, especially its video ad style, offers a new manner of advertising that points toward the future of search.
Visual Search Engine Lookin’ Good: WebKruz Innovates Search Engine Style
The visual search engine innovation is a long-awaited twist on Internet search. The basic text-based results of most search engines fail to inspire and inform users in the way those users need. In contrast, visual-based results maximize the user’s experience by combining the website’s text content and graphic design to make it both inherently easier to scan and more engaging than text-based results.
Spreety Asks: Is Your Next TV a PC?
According to, the Internet has surpassed TV in content and delivery.