Benefit your Business with WebKruz's Adstyle

How businesses can benefit from WebKruz ad adstyle is a question that is exciting the online world with its possible answers. The WebKruz adstyle, especially its video ad style, offers a new manner of advertising that points toward the future of search.

Lone Tree, CO – November 13, 2009 (PressReleasePivot) — “Thirty-one percent of video viewers check out company websites,” says a statement from WebKruz’s advertising department, quoting statistics from the Online Publisher’s Association (April/May 2007). “Twenty-two percent click on more ads after they have viewed.”

Ever since Yahoo! was one of the few Internet businesses to more or less weather the financial storms of the dot com bust, the power of search has been evident. Even before such innovative search styles as WebKruz’s, the rise of Google has shown that a well-branded, cutting-edge search engine can provide quality answers for consumers. And with Microsoft’s recent launch of Bing, it certainly seems that search is a fruitful field that won’t be going anywhere soon.

WebKruz is riding the success of search, but with a twist. Their take on the Internet is that with so many people sitting and looking at it all day, those people want to do more than just read.

That’s how WebKruz, as a visual search engine, is able to offer the answer to how businesses can benefit from WebKruz ad adstyle.

“Fifteen percent [of video viewers] go to the store to check out products, and twelve percent make purchases,” the WebKruz advertising department statement continues. “An additional nine percent asked for a product or service trial offer.”

WebKruz is able to capitalize on those numbers by providing quality video ad placement for their advertisers. This placement has its effect in three distinct ways.

1. Ads will load on the right-hand side of the search results. These 16- to 30-second videos catch the user’s attention and draw the mouse for a click.

2. While the ads that will load may be connected to the keywords of a customer’s search, the nature of the visual search engine and the video adstyle means that any ad will fit the overall visual experience for the user.

3. There is also ad space available on the WebKruz home page ( ), where a whole trailer could even be hosted.

These facts are indeed how businesses can benefit from WebKruz ad adstyle.

“An advantage of rich media advertisements,” WebKruz’s advertising department concludes, “is that we are able to support advertisers that text advertisements just can’t support.” Which is ultimately how businesses can benefit from WebKruz ad adstyle.

To learn about advantages of advertising with WebKruz visit Or contact them by phone at 1-303-376-6330 or by email at

Having been capitalized in June of 2008, WebKruz brings to Internet users a new, visually stimulating way of searching the Internet, along with amazing digital advertisements. Their innovative ideas and desire to please public users will enhance their website and create the best search engine on the Internet.

WebKruzTM is a trademark of United Smart Systems, LLC.

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