Innovation Expert Stephen Shapiro – Foster High Performance Teamwork – Ditch the Golden Rule and Play Some Poker
The Golden Rule has often been touted as a guideline for human rights and a code of conduct for coexisting harmoniously. The surprising reality though is that this veryr rule may in fact be counter-productive for relationships and businesses alike. Following this philosophy, as written, may engender employee dissatisfaction and toxic interpersonal conflict.
Run Your Organization Like a Formula 1 Pit Crew and Speed Past Your Competition – Innovation Expert Stephen Shapiro
It’s no secret that change is occurring at breakneck speeds. But knowing this seems to make little difference. Many companies are, in essence, standing still while the most innovative and flexible organizations whiz by effortlessly. Why? Organizations are wildly out of balance and people are often slotted into roles that are completely incompatible with their true capabilities.
Innovation Expert Stephen Shapiro – Want a High Performance Organization? Hire People You Don’t Like
Opposites don’t attract. In fact, they usually repel, leading managers to partner with like-minded proteges. The result – chronic “sameness”; a lack of creativity and innovation.
Stephen Shapiro Free Webinar. Discover Your Strong Suit with Personality Poker – Become a More Valuable Employee or Team-Building Employer
Over 25,000 people in dozens of Fortune 500 companies have played Personality Poker to spur innovation and optimize growth. Spade, diamond, club or heart? Find out by taking one of the easiest and fun personality tests ever created. Gain insights and uncover your strong suit – be better able to achieve at higher levels. When co-workers play together the result is improved team building, innovation and job satisfaction.
Perfectionism Just Magnifies Fear of Public Speaking: It’s Just Plain Stupid, Public Speaking Expert Says
Public speaking experts CTRN today released the latest in their series of free online lessons about speaking fear at Titled “Perfectionism Is Really Stupid”, the new lesson shows viewers how to flourish when they make mistakes in public speaking.
New Treatment Options for Eating Disorders Described in New Book, Give Food A Chance
Eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa, are now a leading cause of disability in young women. Starving themselves, binging and purging, or exercising compulsively can lead to illness, debilitating weight loss – even death. Now a brand new book, Give Food A Chance, offers a new approach to treating anorexia and bulimia.