Release of Western Thriller “Devil’s Manhunt” Announced by Galaxy Press
Book publisher Galaxy Press releases thrilling western story “Devil’s Manhunt” by New York Times Bestselling author L. Ron Hubbard.

Giorgio Tsoukalos Scheduled To Join In On The Discussion On The Kate Valentine UFO Show Friday, March 18, 2011
The Kate Valentine UFO Show Is Pleased To Announce The Appearance of Giorgio Tsoukalos, Host and Co-Producer OF Ancient Aliens-The Popular Series Heard On The History Channel.

Audies Finalists Announced by the Audio Publishers Association
Audio book, “A Matter of Matter” by L. Ron Hubbard, is among the finalists for Prestigious Audie Awards.

L. Ron Hubbard Stories from the Golden Age Surpass One Million Mark
Sales of L. Ron Hubbard’s pulp fiction “Stories from The Golden Age” have now passed the one million unit mark, according to publisher Galaxy Press.

Space Services, Inc. to Sponsor and Appear on Viewpoints
Charles M. Chafer, Chief Executive Officer of Space Services Inc., the world’s leading provider of public participation space missions, will be Kate Valentine’s guest On Viewpoints. Space Services, Inc. has been running commercials for their star naming services on both The Kate Valentine UFO Show and Viewpoints.

Golden Age Theater Performance Trailers Now on YouTube
Several well-known celebrity performers took the stage recently at the Golden Age Theater in Hollywood, to perform an adaptation of the L. Ron Hubbard western story, “Reign of the Gila Monster”. A short trailer of the performance can now been seen on YouTube.