Bathroom Remodels by Portland Contractor Hammer and Hand add Value, Utility and Beauty
The best bathroom remodels involve a carefully choreographed dance of finish experts and subcontractors, accompanied by close designer-builder-client collaboration. Portland contractor Hammer & Hand knows the dance steps for beautiful, on-time, and on-budget bathroom remodels.

Kitchen Remodel Projects by Portland Contractor Hammer & Hand Celebrate the Kitchen as the Heart of the Home
Kitchen remodel projects fundamentally affect the way homes function because they impact a central living space and hub of the home. Portland contractor Hammer & Hand recognizes the centrality and multiple functions of the modern kitchen and uses this understanding to inform its kitchen remodeling.

Build It Green! Home Tour Highlights Two Hammer and Hand Design-Build Projects
Design build collaboration is vital to the success of green remodels and new homes. But how can true collaboration be fostered? The Build It Green! Home Tour highlights two Hammer and Hand projects that provide Portland lessons for meaningful participation by client, designer and builder.