Personal Dreams Are Harder to Keep These Days but One Best-Selling Leadership Author and Expert is Making Them a Reality
Everything rises and falls on leadership and in tough times it is an opportunity for leaders to rise and new leaders to emerge. John C. Maxwell, founder of The John Maxwell Team, shares more on this on an upcoming live global conference call, as well as how in the past year he has made one of his biggest dreams come true by supporting the leadership dreams of thousands of others.

Anti-Bully Awareness Month – The Brilliance Project and Mesa County Valley School District Forge Partnership
Bullying is a problem in schools, the workplace, public venues, and now more than ever, online. With over 36 suicides across the nation and within the past four years forensically proven to be linked to cyberbullying, legislators are finally attempting to modernize laws in hopes of slowing this epidemic. MCVSD 51 has partnered with The Brilliance Project to provide an innovative curriculum to their community that will foster acceptance, tolerance, and celebrate diversity.