What’s the Big Idea? ThoughtOffice Boosts Your Brain Power, Creates New Ideas Fast

The game has changed. There’s a New Normal. To make the most of it, the world needs New Ideas. Fast. To get to those Big Ideas fast, there’s ThoughtOffice Idea Software.

Vancouver, WA – December 17, 2010 (via PressReleaseNation.com) — We’re told that the game has changed. There’s a new economy, a New Normal. In order to make the best of The New Normal, the world is going to need Big Ideas. New ideas, and the faster the better. One of the shortest, straightest lines to those Big Ideas can be found at the new ThoughtOffice web site – ThoughtRod.com.

“When we created ThoughtOffice, cubicles were still the norm. So an analog to Microsoft Office made sense: ThoughtOffice,” says Mark Alan Effinger, CEO and Chief Evangelist. “But now, with more people working from a Starbucks and WiFi Anywhere, speed and agility are more important. So ThoughtRod was born.”

Fresh ideas are solid currency in the new millennium. As never before, the world faces challenges that can only be overcome by taking a fresh look, and hitting those challenges head-on with some different ideas.

To get to these new ideas, creative problem solvers are more willing than ever to try new approaches. Leaders in government and industry are turning to computer programs such as ThoughtOffice Idea Software ( http://www.thoughtrod.com/idea-software/ ), for help developing their next Big Ideas, as quickly as possible. And the results are even better than expected.

“Like IdeaFisher, ThoughtOffice was designed with one purpose in mind: Creatively solve problems faster and easier than anything before,” says ThoughtOffice’s Effinger. “What’s happened since has opened our eyes to how important speed is to the creative process. It can mean millions in savings, hundreds of millions in market opportunities.”

ThoughtOffice Idea Software is available for both Macintosh OS X and Windows XP / Vista / 7. It features a collection of brainstorming plugin modules that provide professional guidance in 16 areas of expertise. ThoughtOffice program & module bundles are priced from $97 to $497 and are available online from the company’s Amazon store ( http://amzn.to/ThoughtOfficeStore ) and at the company’s new web site, http://www.ThoughtRod.com

Delivery is immediate, via download, and backup CDs are also available. CDs include the program software and modules, support documents, and short videos designed to help users get the most from the program, right away.

“ThoughtRod is a kind of conceptual mashup: there’s Hot Rod – iconic customized cars with fast engines, designed to get down a quarter-mile track faster than a sneeze in a skillet,” says Dave Lockman, Lead Mechanic at ThoughtOffice, “and there’s the Process of Thought – which these days, needs to move faster than ever. As we continue to develop ThoughtOffice, we’re making both performance improvements AND faster, better ways to solve problems and get creative. We really are turning it into a full-on ThoughtRod.”

About ThoughtOffice:
ThoughtOffice Corporation is a Washington-based technology firm focused on innovation and business process development. Since 1986, the company founders have successfully founded and sold nearly a dozen companies, from advertising to laser display technology, software to Internet e-commerce. The development team interviewed over 800 business and innovation leaders, and apprenticed with Marsh Fisher, co-founder of Century 21 Real Estate and founder of IdeaFisher, one of the first and most popular brainstorming software programs. The result, ThoughtOffice, takes brainstorming and innovation out of the lab and makes it practical for daily use for education, business process development, advertising creatives, coaches and CEOs. ThoughtOffice Corporation can be reached at 360-450-6888, by e-mail at info@thoughtoffice.com or by visiting http://www.ThoughtRod.com

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Press Contact
David Lockman
Product Specialist
ThoughtOffice Corporation
5640 SE Riverside Way
Vancouver, WA


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