A Million Genius Ideas For Less Than $99 – ThoughtOffice Creativity Suite Breaks the Hundred-Buck Barrier

Great ideas are always in high demand. But arriving in that “creative space” that many find only in the shower, while driving, or in their dreams can be difficult… especially under pressure. The new low cost of ThoughtOffice provides an inexpensive, always-on solution for individuals and workgroups. Users can be on the bleeding-edge of creativity for less than the cost of a pair of shoes.

Portland, OR – August 22, 2009 (PressReleasePivot) — Creativity seems to be an enigma in most people’s lives. It comes and goes with little reliability as to timing or quality of the idea. But ThoughtOffice Corporation’s ThoughtOffice v1.5.0 is software proven to develop breakthrough ideas in short order, and by the gross. The company has recently brought the price down to under $100, allowing a much broader group of users access to this scientifically-proven technology.

“We’ve been pressing hard for the last two years to create a sub-$100 creativity solution that still has all the bells and whistles of the original IdeaFisher idea-generation and brainstorming software,” says Mark Alan Effinger, CEO and head of Product Development. “This ThoughtOffice program even has full expandability, available with eXpertTopic modules to help develop complete strategies just like 3M, Apple Computer, Cisco Systems and Xerox do with our products. We’re very excited to be able to deliver this much power at this price point.”

ThoughtOffice Creativity Software ( http://www.ThoughtOffice.com ) is a 9,328,900+ Word Association Engine that breaks down phrases, images, and words into easily digestible categories, then into other relevant references. By connecting the dots of one word or phrase to another, whole new “compound ideas” are formed, stimulating the creative process in a never-ending string of thought.

In addition to the Word Association Engine, ThoughtOffice also contains an instant access to 16 key topics in the Topics Browser. These drop-in components take the expertise of professionals in various fields and present that expertise as refined processes with systematic steps, helping users to duplicate their approaches in any of 16 separate areas of specialty.

“Once the masses have access the same tools that have only been available to those in the creative Ivory Towers… well, we have proven that ThoughtOffice has the potential to dramatically increase the creative output of any individual who will use it,” notes David Lockman, head of Online Development. “I’m of the mind that if you can inject reliable, consistent creativity into a group, that the hope and opportunity it brings will cause more positive change than any other element. That change equates to momentum in companies, schools and in the most important element, our minds.”

ThoughtOffice v1.5.0 is available for $99 from the ThoughtOffice Web Site. Additional eXpertTopic Modules can be added to ThoughtOffice at a cost of $29 – $49 each, and can be found at the web site’s eXpertTopic Modules link.

A free 15-day trial version of ThoughtOffice Creativity software is available for immediate download from the ThoughtOffice web site.

And for more information, please contact the company by email at info@thoughtoffice.com, by going to the ThoughtOffice Information Request page at http://www.thoughtoffice.com, or by calling 360-450-6888.

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