New IdeaFisher Advertising Software Yields Ad Concepts That Get Above the Noise

Ad agencies can jump-start the creative process & measurably improve results with ad-writing software. ThoughtOffice, the offspring of the popular IdeaFisher Ad Writing Software provides a process for building an ad from start to finish. The software includes a “stream of consciousness” creativity engine that helps explore an ad’s direction, perfect the tone, identify differentiators.

Portland, OR, December 10, 2009 (PressReleaseNation) — Advertising software helps jump-start the creative process and visibly improve the number and quality of creative comps. Providing a linear process for building an ad from A to Z, plus a lateral thinking creativity engine makes being creative more pleasure than pain. One solution, ThoughtOffice Advertising Software, lets creative directors & copywriters deliver messages that make an impression in the increasingly noisy and crowded landscape of print and online advertising. John Wanamaker, the department store genius once said, “Fifty percent of advertising is wasted… I just don’t know which 50 percent!” Expert advertisers will tell you there are ways for creative professionals to increase the quality and quantity of their creative output. Programs like the Advertising Software build on methods that have worked for the best of the best. It brings creativity up to Internet speed.

According to Mark Alan Effinger, CEO of ( ), a leader in bringing innovation to advertising & marketing, “Software like eXpertAdvertiser is changing the way we think – or at least the methods we use to think faster, manage more input, and organize how it works for us. Now you can brainstorm with your computer as if you had a complete team of experts in the room with you. Lateral thinking, paired with automatic organization of those thoughts, is the real breakthrough. eXpertAdvertiser works with an individual user, or across workgroups. People can collaborate on ideas worldwide with just a mouse click.”

The eXpertAdvertiser Module ( ) is based on principles of associative thinking, developed over many years of use by the best advertising minds from Jerry Della Femina to David Ogilvy. By asking questions that trigger ideas, the user explores the ad concept layer by layer, systematically drilling-down on the issue. Then keywords within the questions, plus answers from the user, trigger over 9,891,275 definitions, synonyms, lyrics, rhymes, phrases, quotes, and images to quickly expand on the idea and give it weight and relevance. A finished Advertising Brainstorming Session can take anywhere from a few minutes to a day, and can contain many different but very clear creative solutions.

“Brainstorming is an accepted part of the creative process in the advertising business. It was first introduced in 1953 by a top advertising executive of the time, Alex F. Osborn, in his book, Applied Imagination,” comments Martin Grossman, an award-winning copywriter who’s used brainstorming techniques for decades. “Mind Mapping, TRIZ and Associative Thinking are all proven ways of getting ideas out of your head and onto the page.” ThoughtOffice Advertising Software combines the best of these processes to kick everything up several notches. The massive volume of resources this application brings to the user is astonishing.

It’s like a Lamborghini Murcielago next to Henry Ford’s “Tin Lizzy”. No comparison.

ThoughtOffice PR & Advertising Software with eXpertAdvertiser has become an important tool in creating and managing successful ad campaigns for advertising agencies worldwide ( ). It includes questions designed by some of the most successful creative directors, copywriters, and experts in the business of advertising.

Here is a brief list of the elements in this eXpert advertising program:

  • Quickstart Advertiser (a jumpstart for new users)
  • Questions to answer, clarifying the general context & purpose of the ad
  • How to identify the market, competition, and customer
  • Getting to know the product
  • Planning your strategy
  • Brainstorming your message
  • Assembling the elements of the ad
  • Evaluating the ad – setting its objectives

About ThoughtOffice Corporation:
ThoughtOffice, based in Vancouver, WA, develops and markets tools that empower individuals and organizations to create rich content and improve productivity by enhancing creativity. Founded in 2006, the company produces writing, brainstorming and creativity software, and its sister company, RichContent, provides PR & business services to technology startups and fast-growth companies. The company’s web site can be found at or can be reached by phone at 360-450-6888 or e-mail to

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Press Contact
David Lockman
Product Specialist

ThoughtOffice Corporation
5640 SE Riverside Way
Vancouver, WA


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